Title: Understanding Telehandler Mesh Handlers: Uses and Benefits

If you work in the construction, agriculture, or manufacturing industry, you may be familiar with telehandlers. These versatile machines are widely used for lifting and carrying materials in various work environments. One of the most popular attachments for telehandlers is the mesh handler. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at what a telehandler mesh handler is, how it’s used, and the advantages of owning one.

What is a Telehandler Mesh Handler?

A telehandler mesh handler is an attachment designed to handle a wide range of mesh and wire products, such as fencing, chicken wire, and mesh sheets. It consists of a set of hydraulic arms that can grip, lift, and move mesh products with ease. The mesh handler arms can be adjusted to fit various sizes and shapes of mesh products, making it a versatile tool for handling a range of materials.

How is a Telehandler Mesh Handler Used?

Telehandler mesh handlers are commonly used in construction, agriculture, and manufacturing industries. Here are some common uses for a mesh handler attachment:

  1. Fence Installation: If you’re installing fencing, a mesh handler can make the job much easier. It can grip and lift fencing rolls or mesh sheets and transport them to the installation area, allowing for quick and efficient installation.
  2. Agriculture: In the agriculture industry, mesh handlers can be used to move and transport chicken wire, animal fencing, and other farm-related mesh products. They can also be used to move bales of hay and other farming materials.
  3. Manufacturing: Mesh handlers can be used to move and transport wire mesh products, such as wire baskets or wire racks, in a manufacturing environment.
  4. Construction: In the construction industry, mesh handlers can be used to transport and install mesh products for concrete reinforcement, such as rebar.

What are the Advantages of Owning a Telehandler Mesh Handler?

  1. Versatility: The telehandler mesh handler is a versatile attachment that can handle a range of mesh and wire products. This makes it a valuable tool for a wide range of industries.
  2. Efficiency: Using a mesh handler can save time and increase productivity on the job site. It can grip, lift, and transport mesh products quickly and efficiently.
  3. Safety: Telehandler mesh handlers can improve safety on the job site by reducing the need for manual lifting and handling of heavy mesh products. This can help prevent injuries and accidents.
  4. Cost-effective: Investing in a telehandler mesh handler can be a cost-effective solution for handling mesh products. It eliminates the need for manual labor and can increase efficiency and productivity.


Telehandler mesh handlers are a valuable attachment for anyone in the construction, agriculture, or manufacturing industry. They offer a range of benefits, including versatility, efficiency, safety, and cost-effectiveness. If you’re in the market for a new telehandler attachment, a mesh handler is a wise investment that can save you time, money, and hassle on the job site.